MEP makes Tayto visit
18 April 2008

Jim Allister MEP has made a visit to Tayto, the most recent of regular visits made by the MEP to key businesses across Northern Ireland.
Commenting on his visit, Mr Allister said,
“For decades, Tayto has been a well-known and much loved potato crisp brand in Ulster. Recent years have seen the company embark upon a major growth strategy involving acquisitions of some of the biggest snack brands in the UK, including Golden Wonder in 2006 and most recently Red Mill Snacks. It is particularly encouraging to see an established Northern Ireland company perform well, not only in the local market, but to emerge as a key player in the UK as a whole –such has been the success of Tayto.”
“Talking to the Tayto Management team afforded me the opportunity to hear about some of the challenges the company faces, such as rising energy costs, but also about the opportunities they see for the future. Tayto urgently requires new growers to meet demand. I trust the weakening of the Pound against the Euro will deliver new opportunities for local potato farmers as they consider entering into contracts for this year’s season.”
“According to management, local farmers are at a disadvantage by not having adequate cold storage provision for their potatoes, particularly vis-à-vis growers in the Republic of Ireland. There should be capacity within the new Rural Development Programme to offer assistance to potato growers for cold storage, and this is something I intend to raise with DARD in the coming days.”