Allister Speaks in EU Constitution debate
11 January 2005
In the European Parliament's major debate on the proposed EU Constitution, DUP MEP, Jim Allister QC attacked the UK Government's line that the Constitution is a mere "tidying up exercise", declaring that it was a framework for "Super-statehood".
Mr Allister said, "Though this House in self-congratulatory euphoria will embrace this Constitution, thankfully the ultimate decision rests with the nation states. It is those votes which really matter.
What I despise the most is the false pretence, particularly in the
In the Constitutional Affairs Committee I've observed at first hand the strategy and scheming of arch Europhiles. They make no secret that this Constitution is not an end in itself but a work in progress and they do nothing to conceal their ambition to have it, in their terms, strengthened at the first opportunity, without, of course, the troublesome obstacle of further national consultation.
Their undisguised candour gives the lie to those who would deceive voters into thinking this is a mere tidying up exercise. It is not, nor is it an end in itself, rather for the euro fanatics who drive the project the Constitution is but a start towards the ultimate subjugation of all national powers. The question for each nation is whether they are prepared to go down that road.
The choice is between a Europe of co-operating sovereign nation states or a
- it declares its supremacy over national constitutions;
- it proclaims the subservience of national law;
- it appoints its own President and Foreign Minister;
- it relegates national parliaments to mere consultative sounding boards;
- it trades meaningful local democracy for the pseudo-democracy of this House;
- it neuters the last defence of the nation state by increasingly supplanting the national veto with radically increased Qualified Majority Voting;
- and it provides an unbridled path to further integration by permitting amendment by Heads of State, rather than the people.
Anyone with pride in their own nation and who does not want to see it subsumed into a hideous conglomerate will reject this tawdry Constitution."