MEP says repatriate fishing powers
10 April 2008
During a debate in the European Parliament in Brussels on fishing issues Traditional Unionist MEP Jim Allister called for the repatriation to Member States of fishing powers ceded to the EU.
The Parliament was debating a report on a Commission proposal for a possible EU effort management system, which could see quota traded on an EU basis, thus opening up the prospect of loss of local control to foreign operators. Whereas there is a need for changes to the present discredited TAC & Quota system, the Ulster Euro MP is opposed to fresh opportunities for Brussels control and is particularly anxious that any new plans should not be managed and controlled by the EU.
In the course of his remarks Mr Allister said:-
"Representing a region whose overall experience of the CFP has not been positive, my natural inclination is strongly against the imposition of an EU based management system. Rather, member states should be able to decide what management systems works best for them. Moreover, maintaining stability could be severely jeopardised if unregulated transferable quota was embraced, with particular threat to single or small-scale operators.
Better by far, in my book, to repatriate real powers over fishing to the member states and concentrate on getting in place viable local management systems, capable of enjoying the confidence of those affected.
I also fear that this new Commission study will prove another protracted excuse for putting off real and helpful change."