MEP speaks of mounting anger among victims
01 February 2008
Statement by Traditional Unionist MEP Jim Allister:-
“The more that emerges about the Victims Commission, the more innocent victims feel let down and without adequate representation. I say this after being contacted by a number of victims groups.
As the DUP said in its Policy Document on Victims in 2003 insisted that the definition of victim must exclude terrorists and those who made innocent people victims. This was a statement of correct principle.
Sadly, the Victims Commission that DUP/Sinn Fein has now given us is built on an entirely different and flawed foundation, namely the definition of “victim” contained in the Victims and Survivors NI Order of 2006. This definition is a travesty: it defines a victim as anyone affected by “a conflict-related incident”. Thus in these terms the IRA terrorist who meets his just deserts, such as at Loughgall, or who blows himself up with his own bomb, is put on an equal footing with the innocent victim of Kingsmill, Teeban or any other terrorist atrocity. This is a shocking obscenity, yet it is what the First Minister and the DUP has agreed to.
From this folly flows the republican propaganda that appeared on the OFMDFM website that Commissioner McBride’s brother died as an IRA volunteer on active service, rather than as the terrorist which he was. Also, aping the dysfunstionalism of OFMDFM itself, the Commission must all agree in order to act, therefore, the lowest common denominator of agreement will prevail.
Innocent victims, after much promise, have been badly let down. They asked for help and esteem and what Ian Paisley gives them is parity with those who made them victims. Little wonder so many feel used and betrayed. Only if the DUP. produces amendment of the definition of victim to exclude perpetrators of terror, can anything worthwhile be achieved. There is no point in DUP MLAs putting out statements condemning parity between victim and perpetrator if they do not produce the goods in amending the legislation. That is the litmus test.”