Allister comments on Ahern/Paisley confab
01 February 2008
Statement by Traditional Unionist MEP, Jim Allister:-
“Today’s spectacle at Galgorm is yet another manifestation of the dramatic intensification in north/southery which is occurring under devolution. The architects of the Belfast Agreement should be well pleased that its trajectory towards all-island harmonisation is progressing so swiftly, and all that under the aegis of those who once saw this Belfast Agreement process for what it was.
It seems to me that Ian Paisley, now head over heels in implementing the Belfast Agreement, has lost his political way as he stumbles towards ever-closer involvement with Dublin. Northern Ireland is part of the UK economy, our future lies there, not within the flawed eurozone to which the Republic belongs, so when Ian Paisley talks nonsensically about, “I think we are into the march and we have not even seen the march overseers”, frankly, I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about. Does anyone?
One thing that is becoming increasingly clear to me, however, is that the cause and centrality of the Union is being undermined by the runaway enthusiasm of the DUP for the all-island agenda.”