Paying the price of an end to whitefish fleet
11 April 2007
Jim Allister MEP has released updated information from DARD on the money being paid to induce an end to Northern Ireland's whitefish fleet.
Statement from Brussels by Jim Allister MEP:-
"Following the unwarranted refusal of Tie-Up Aid, it is clear my fear that DARD's intention was to liquidate our whitefish fleet is being realised.
Information recently received by me from Minister Cairns confirms that already 3 "dedicated" whitefish vessels have been financially assisted to diversify into alternative fishing. Now another £200,000 from the Investment Development Fund is being sought for a similar scheme for the 5 remaining whitefish vessels.
In the end almost as much money will have been spent as would have paid Tie-Up Aid and kept our whitefish fleet alive. Instead, all are being driven into prawn fishing, which may be fine so long as prawn prices hold, but unhealthy and economically dubious in terms of sustaining for Northern Ireland a diverse fishery."