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Allister challenges Sinn Fein hypocrisy in Brussels

17 October 2006

“Sinn Fein supposedly accepts the Belfast Agreement. The Belfast Agreement supposedly gives unequivocal recognition to Northern Ireland’s position as part of the UK and accepts that the express consent of the people of NI is essential to any change thereto.

Yet, within days of supposedly showing willingness at St Andrews to prepare itself for government of Northern Ireland, its two MEPs tomorrow (Wednesday) will host in Brussels an event calling on the EU to support and promote “an end to Partition”.

Where, then, their supposed acceptance of “consent”?  Clearly, it is as meaningless as their commitment to exclusive peaceful and democratic means before they launched, Stormontgate and their IRA robbed the Northern Bank.

Tomorrow I anticipate exposing the hypocrisy of Sinn Fein to the European press on the back of their stunt of demanding the EU bypass the necessity for consent and promote an end to partition.”

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EU Parliament