Allister defends eel industry in Strasbourg
15 May 2006
DUP MEP Jim Allister has been working for months in the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament to ameliorate the effects for Northern Ireland's eel fishermen of a Commission proposal to introduce Brussels control of the European eel industry. Tonight, the issue moved to a plenary sitting of the Parliament when the Committee's report was debated in Strasbourg. Speaking during the debate, Jim Allister both questioned the legality of the EU's proposals and strongly defended the interests of Ulster's fishermen.
In the course of his remarks Mr Allister said:-
"River and inland fishing is not a competence of the EU. Yet, here, we have a Commission proposal for Eel Management which in effect asserts EU control over inland waters. I firmly believe such to be ultra vires and that what we have in this proposal is an example of unwarranted and creeping Brusselisation of something which properly is exclusively a matter for national control.
Within Northern Ireland we have the largest commercial wild eel fishery in Europe. Centred on Lough Neagh and the Lower Bann, it supplies quality eels to much of Northern Europe. Efficiently run, it has been meeting its ecological obligations by already ensuring sufficient escapement of mature eels for spawning and funding restocking at its own expense. It would be absurd if it were now to be subjected to punitive restrictions because the greed and practices of others has radically diminished European stocks.
The main cause of stock reduction is the export of elvers to the Far East. Last year, France alone exported 8 tonnes of elvers. I therefore welcome the report's attempts to curb this exporting of the future of our European eel industry. I also welcome moves to insist that eel farms guarantee a percentage escapement of mature eels. All have a part to play in the recovery of the biomass, but particularly those who have to date squandered our resources.
I support the rejection of a 15 day closure per month and I strongly favour Eel Management plans for individual river basins rather than national plans, believing that such in my constituency will properly deliver the industry from draconian restrictions. Through self-regulation and control, they have behaved responsibly and for that they are entitled to proper recognition and relief.
Finally, I trust that under the new European Fisheries Fund, a restocking funding package will be made available and that the UK Government will be prepared to provide any necessary matched funding."