Allister opposes smash and grab raid on single farm payments
16 February 2006
In a debate in the European Parliament on the future funding of rural development, Jim Allister MEP, while strongly supporting a rural development programme which is centred on sustainable agriculture at the heart of rural economies, warned that excessive modulation to fund rural development was not the right way to go.
In the course of his remarks, Mr Allister said:-
"Funding for rural development is very important but it should not involve robbing the first pillar to pay for the second. Nor, must we lose sight of the fact that the core and singular most important component for the development of rural regions is the maintenance of sustainable agriculture at the heart of the economies of those regions. Thus a funding formula reliant on a smash and grab raid on the single farm payment through excessive modulation is not acceptable.
I particularly support three things:
The use of funds to encourage New Entrants so that the essential transition of farm families from one generation to the next is assisted;
The amendments to allow for the modernisation of farms and help with meeting higher animal welfare and environmental standards and;
Maximum regional flexibility on the implementation of the rural development programme."