Sinn Fein/IRA Charm Offensive
03 October 2005
“This week, it is reported, Sinn Fein/IRA is planning a "charm offensive" in
Brussels. Being offensive will come easy, the charm, more difficult.
Perhaps they hope that in a culture which thrives on lack of transparency,
their non-transparent decommissioning will impress. I expect though that,
outside the Far Left Stalinist group to which they belong, thinking members
will be looking for much more. Total abandonment of all their criminality
is the next step all democrats will demand from Sinn Fein. Hence, already,
the welcome refusal of the leaders of some of the groups to meet them.
Perhaps, when in Brussels, Mr Adams would like to explain his movement's
money-laundering attempts in prospective EU Member State, Bulgaria,
following the Northern Bank robbery.”