30 August 2005
DUP MEP Jim Allister today raised with the EU Commission at the Fisheries Committee in Brussels, the failure of the Republic of Ireland to honour its obligations under Council Regulation EC 1447/1999 to make full and proper returns about how it has dealt with infringements of fishing policy regulations.
The 1999 Regulation requires each state to report on the number of infringements detected and the penalties imposed. The latest figures show the UK top the list of fines, with an average penalty of 78,000 Euro per infringement, whereas most countries' average is in hundreds of euros, while the Republic of Ireland hasn't bothered to make returns as to any fines imposed.
Mr Allister said:
"The perception in my country, the UK, is that our government is assiduous, to the point of being fanatical, about imposing EU Regulations, while others happily ignore their obligations. These figures seem to bear out this perception. In the fishery sector we have to compete with others, yet we find that our nearest neighbour is getting away with flagrant breach of its responsibilities, fuelling a belief that while our fishermen play by the rules others have the advantage of flouting the rules. It is up to the Commission to demonstrate that it will not tolerate such a situation. I am, therefore, looking for appropriate infringement proceedings against the offending countries. All must be equal before EU law and all equally subject to it."
In response the Commission representative indicated infringement proceedings were indeed an option being examined and more information should emerge in due course.