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Time for Dublin to Come Clean on Collusion

13 March 2012

Commenting on today’s developments at the Smithwick Tribunal Jim Allister said:

“Unionists in Northern Ireland frequently have to listen to lectures from Southern politicians about alleged collusion in Northern Ireland. Indeed, Enda Kenny raised the issue with our Prime Minister no later than yesterday. However, there has been a persistent failure by the powers that be in the Republic to face up to the fact that there was systematic collusion between the forces of law and order in their jurisdiction and the Provisional IRA.

“Today’s evidence at the Smithwick Tribunal reveals something of this.

“That a senior RUC officer should reveal that Jack Lynch instructed the gardai not to cooperate with the investigation into the Warrenpoint massacre will not surprise Unionists who lived through the IRA’s campaign and saw gunmen frequently receive sanctuary just over the border. But now that the issue has been highlighted yet again it behoves the Republic to be more open about their role in keeping the IRA campaign alive.

“The fact that Lynch regarded the murders as “a political crime”” will remind people of Raymond McCartney’s comments on Radio Ulster last week when he said that he regarded those engaged in the dirty protestors in HMP Maghaberry as 'political prisoners'.

“This demonstrated both a fraternity between Sinn Fein and the 'dissidents' and that Sinn Fein's supposed support for the rule of law is meaningless. There are no political prisoners in Northern Ireland, and there never were. All sentenced prisoners are convicted criminals, convicted by due process.”

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