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Allister challenges McGuinness over "Political Prisoner" remark

08 March 2012

Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-
"The preposterous declaration to the BBC by Raymond McCartney MLA that the present dirty protestors in HMP Maghaberry are 'political prisoners', demonstrates both a fraternity between Sinn Fein and the 'dissidents' and that Sinn Fein's supposed support for the rule of law is meaningless.
"There are no political prisoners in Northern Ireland, and there never were. All sentenced prisoners are convicted criminals, convicted by due process. For a party of government, which supposedly supports the criminal justice system, to now revert to form and deny the reality of the criminality of 'dissidents' by presenting them as 'political prisoners' is as shameful as it is excusatory.
"I now challenge Joint First Minister McGuinness to declare if he too views convicted 'dissidents' as political prisoners. No weasel words, just 'yes' or 'no'. And, then, let's hear what his partner the First Minister thinks of IRA/Sinn Fein's stance.
"This is a seminal issue which goes to the heart of support for the rule of law and must not be dodged."

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