Give the cosy Sinn Fein/DUP cabal your answer today – Vote TUV
05 May 2011
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-
“After four years of extracting multiple concessions from the ever compliant DUP – policing & justice, the Maze Shrine, £60m for the GAA and the freedom to destroy education and advance their all-Ireland agenda - little wonder Sinn Fein hopes unionists will vote DUP. McGuinness knows the hand that feeds him.
“Meanwhile another four years of shambolic and dysfunctional misgovernment is all the power hungry DUP/Sinn Fein cabal can offer.
“Give them your answer today by voting TUV. Thereby you also demand government that works, built on respecting the basics of democracy – the right to an Opposition and the right to vote failed parties out of government. Why should we be the second class citizens of the UK, denied these foundational rights today while our Scottish and Welsh cousins exercise them as a matter of course? We shouldn’t be and TUV will not rest till democracy is again respected in this land.”