TUV demands equal rights for British citizens
15 April 2011
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-
“TUV is the only Unionist Party – indeed, the only party - in this election that is unapologetically demanding equal democratic rights for all of the citizens of Northern Ireland, and demanding them now, not in the distant future.
“We believe that voters should have the right to change their government just as those who will also vote on May 5th in Scotland and Wales will be able to change their governments. Under the current failed system voters in NI are denied this basic right. This third rate system must be replaced with one that is proven to work throughout the rest of the world, if Stormont is ever to be made to work.
“With no party commanding a majority, TUV believes that the foundation stone of any good government is voluntary power-sharing with a vigorous Opposition to hold the Executive to account. This is the gold standard for a properly accountable government which effectively works on the people’s behalf rather than simply pursuing the narrow selfish interests of those within it. Government for the people, not for the politicians, is our simple but powerful message.
"It is by voting TUV that those fed up with the hopeless deadlock and non-delivery of the outgoing Assembly can start the process of bringing about the Stormont that Northern Ireland needs.
"Let’s deliver a functioning Stormont that is able to get to grips with the many issues that confront us. In these difficult times, we just cannot afford another four years of the same, four more years of the inertia and bickering that we have seen since 2007.
"Ministers must be held accountable to the people, not simply to their Parties. During the Water crisis in December 2010, the Sinn Fein Minister Conor Murphy failed the people of Northern Ireland as they were left without water. All the democratic political parties at Stormont recognised his failure but were impotent to do anything about it because with Sinn Fein’s support he was untouchable. TUV believes that this is wrong and that every Minister must be made accountable to the voter. Likewise, Catriona Ruane has run amok through education,utterly unfettered by the Assembly, including those who promised they’d "put manners on” Sinn Fein.
"As British citizens, why should we settle for the third rate and failed system of the current system and its hopeless Sinn Fein/DUP coalition? Instead, we want a 1st class system that restores vision, honour and integrity to the government of Northern Ireland?"