Allister challenges McGuinness
07 April 2011
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:-
"The dastardly IRA murder of Con Kerr rightly evoked outrage. Joint First Minister McGuinness used all the right words, but what are they worth?
"If the vile murder of Con Kerr was wrong, and it indisputably was, then, so too and equally was every one of the murders of the 300 policemen butchered by McGuinness’ IRA. Yet, to this day each one of those murders are justified by McGuiness and indeed celebrated by Sinn Fein when habitually they organise events to glorify the acts and lives of dead terrorists.
"If, among other things, McGuinness is not a base hypocrite, then, now is the time for him to not just condemn every one of those murders of policemen but to prove his bona fides by coming forward to the police with the information which a director of IRA plc most assuredly holds. That is the test of Sinn Fein sincerity. Otherwise, they proclaim that whereas the murder of Con Kerr was wrong the murder of 300 other police officers was right!
"So, enough honeyed and weasel words Mr McGuinness, let’s see you measure up to the real peace test.
"Sadly, he will not, because the heart that holds such dark vile secrets still sees the murders of his IRA as justified and necessary to propel him to the office of state he now besmirches. They were, in his terms, essential ‘staging posts’, as his present office is, to the goal of blood-stained Irish unification.
"The organisation that murdered Con Kerr shares the same DNA as IRA/Sinn Fein, the same goal and the same methodology."