Another vile terrorist murder
02 April 2011
Joint statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister and security spokesman, Alex Elliott:-
"Today's murderous under car bomb attack in Omagh, which has left a police officer dead, underscores the depth of the continuing threat from republican terrorists. No later than Tuesday of this week we discussed with the Chief Constable the scale of the threat and, in our view, how the policing and security deficit would be exploited by IRA terrorists, under whatever guise. As the threat rises it is utter folly to have stood down the Full Time Reserve and thereby made the terrorist's job easier.
"In a week when a Sinn Fein Executive Minister, Gildernew, provided a reference for a convicted terrorist it is clear that the underlying ambivalence of Sinn Fein politicians is not assisting the fight against terrorism. You can't write a reference one day for a convicted terrorist and the next be taken seriously in supposedly condemning terrorist acts.
"Sadly, we fear the province is ill-prepared for an upsurge in such terror because of the rundown in security implemented at Sinn Fein's behest and facilitated by those ever ready to meet their every demand."