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TUV – the real alternative in this election

01 April 2011

 Speaking on the occasion of handing in his nomination papers in North Antrim, TUV Leader Jim Allister said:-


“TUV is the real alternative in this election. All other parties are part the outgoing failed Executive and merely offer more of the same, the same deadlock, bickering and serial failure. More ruination of education, more of victim makers in charge of victims and more of the excessive waste of this Stormont.


“The first ingredient of TUV’s recipe to make Stormont work is to re-establish the cornerstones of democracy – the basic rights of having an Opposition and the right to vote failed parties out of government. On 5th May voters in Scotland and Wales will have the opportunity to change their government, as the voters in the Republic did, but here - because of the absurd system of compulsory coalition - voters are denied that right. This is not just wrong but wholly undemocratic. Unless and until this is changed we will never have stability or workable democracy at Stormont.


“That change is necessary now, not in four or more years. TUV is the party standing for such democratic change, all others are happy to put the guarantee of government office before these basic rights for their voters.”


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