We pay, they spend, simply won't do
07 June 2005
Speaking in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, DUP MEP JIM ALLISTER attacked aspects of the Commission's proposal on the new Rural Development Regulation.
Mr Allister said,
"At a time of unprecedented change in agriculture - still our single most significant industry in Northern Ireland - it is vital that the Rural Development Regulation aids, not aggravates, the situation.
This funding must not be prioritised unfairly to the new Member states, with gross disadvantage to the EU 15. We pay, they spend, simply won't do.
Indeed, I believe, the allocation of rural development funds should bear some proportionality to the budgetary contributions of Member States.
I want to see axis 1 accentuated, with its money actually getting to the farmers of Northern Ireland, not being hijacked into Government Departments. Rather money from axis 1 should be ringfenced and targeted towards the agricultural community directly involved in farming. Remember, it's farmers, through a whopping 9.5% modulation from the Single Farm Payment in 2006, who are key funders.
I also want to see maximum regional flexibility permitted within the Regulation; it needs to fit with the type of SFP in vogue in each area.
Flexibility, minimum regulation, and a belief that farming and rural development are allies, not alternatives, is in my opinion the way to proceed.
Click to read full speech