Special status for regional aid for Northern Ireland
24 May 2005
Jim Allister today claimed that the European Commission was examining offering special status for Northern Ireland on Regional Aid Guidelines.
Jim Allister commented, "Over recent months I have been lobbying in Brussels to try and secure for Northern Ireland a special status under Commission proposals for Regional Aid guidelines. As the proposals stand, Northern Ireland would be unable to continue to offer Selective Financial Assistance in order to attract inward investment from 1st January 2007, as such would then fall foul of anti-state aid provisions.
"As part of my campaign, I have met with the Regional Commissioner, Mrs Hubner, the Competition Commissioner, Mrs Kroes, and I have also spoken with Peter Mandelson. I left with each a copy of a briefing document which I had prepared on the subject. In this document I made the case for Northern Ireland on the basis of our socio-economic situation and the gross disadvantage which the intended guidelines would place us vis-a-vis competing with the Republic of Ireland for inward investment.
"I am encouraged to have received a letter from Commissioner Kroes which indicates that consideration is now being given to Northern Ireland's position. In her letter Mrs Kroes says "I have taken note of your suggestion for granting a specific status to Northern Ireland under the Regional Aid Guidelines for the next programming period 2007-2013. We are currently examining the detailed contributions from the UK authorities on this issue and we are reflecting on different possible options."
The obligation now shifts to the N.I.O. to press home the needs of Northern Ireland on this issue and, accordingly, I will be urging the Economic Development Minister to vigorously do so. This is a battle which we cannot afford to lose."
Click here to read the briefing document prepared by Jim Allister