Paranoid Peter and the Pointless Puppet
05 March 2010
Speaking to Fermanagh TUV on Friday night Party Leader Jim Allister QC responded to what he called Peter Robinson's 'desperation' when he said it would be 'a massive mistake' not to back the Hillsborough deal.
"Peter Robinson's massive mistake was in making the Hillsborough deal in the first place, because it is a runaway victory for Sinn Fein. It is Sinn Fein, not the DUP, which got all the product: an immediate date for their strageic demand to end British control of policing and justice and its transfer into their terrorist-inclusive Executive and besides all that down payments on the Irish language and expansion of north/southery. Whereas, the DUP's product is a review of a review on parading and a jam tomorrow promise to change the name of the Parades Commission, but Orange feet are no nearer walking the Queen's highway in Portadown, Dunloy or anywhere else where orchestrated objection will be strengthened by compulsory dialogue and McGuinness appointed adjudicators.
"So, yes, Peter Robinson knows all about massive mistakes, the problem is he never learns from them. So much so that he now tells us Northern Ireland will be 'ill-served' if IRA/Sinn Fein don't get their meddling hands on policing and justice. Ill-served? Northern Ireland has never been more ill-served than by his and McGuinness' malfunctioning, crippled Executive! They've mangled and messed every power already given to them, most spectacularly in education, but he now says the answer is to give them more. I don’t think so. Only the political sado-masochist, who delights in seeing power corrupted by dysfunctional terrorist-inclusive government would reward the present bunch at Stormont with more powers. Less, not more is what they’ve earned. So, let’s pay them by results: if so, they should be handing back, not grasping more power.
“Thus the UUP is right to say no more powers till they handle what they’ve got, the question is, though, come Tuesday will they live by their own exhortation. I hope so.
“This was and remains a bad deal for Unionism, done out of electoral fear by and on behalf of a diminishing minority of Unionists, the DUP, so let them carry the can for their own folly. A folly to be compounded by putting the pointless puppet, David Ford, in charge of the most seminal issues a government can handle.”