Allister demands Equality Proofing for FMS plan
06 February 2010
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister QC
“Having made a spectacle out of how the first tranche of money from the Farm Modernisation Scheme was distributed, it is utterly unacceptable that DARD’s proposals for the second tranche will, at a stroke, disadvantage many deserving farmers.
“Without adequate consultation – including ignoring the UFU – DARD has come up with a proposition which reeks of discriminatory intent. By tilting the scheme to favour LFA farmers, through a weighted scoring mechanism which deliberately favours such areas, DARD is consciously discriminating against lowland farmers, from which the highest modulation contributions come. I challenge DARD to set out the modulation receipts from within LFAs and those from without.
“I have always been, and remain, a strong supporter of retention of our LFAs, but there are huge equality issues here once that designation is favoured in FMS distribution. So, I am challenging DARD to reveal if their proposals have been equality proofed. Has there been an Equality Impact Assessment? If not, why not?
“I for one will not sit silent while swathes of farmers are subject to discrimination, particularly if, as I suspect, there is a resulting disadvantage predominantly to one particular community. This Sinn Fein Minister loves to talk about “the equality agenda”. Well, then let’s have this proposition fully equality proofed.”