Stop filling up the order book of Sinn Fein's factory of grievances
02 February 2010
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister QC
“The chronic farce that is the Hillsborough talks must end. From the outset it has been at the behest of a party, Sinn Fein, not only disinterested in good government for this part of the
“2 days after the
“…so Irish republicans will, and must, judge these proposals on whether they can move us nearer to the Ireland that we have struggled so long to achieve...We are about ending...British rule in our country...Now we are in a phase of transition from an unacceptable form of society towards a national republic.”
“This again is the mindset and strategy of Sinn Fein: pocket policing and justice but embed new goals, like delivery on the Irish language, which can be used as the next essential for ‘stability’ of the institutions when the time suits to extract more concessions from the hapless DUP – all in the name of such distorted shibboleths as ‘equality’.
“Keeping the order book of Sinn Fein’s factory of grievances full is an essential component of their long war, and certainly much more important than helping real factories sustain real jobs for real people.
“People are hurting hugely across the Province, but all they are getting from the Stormont politicians is endless and paralysing pursuit of an issue, policing and justice, which will pay no one’s mortgage, or better educate their children, or do anything to improve the lot of those for whom it seems the Stormont elite have nothing but contempt.
“Little wonder ordinary people are so contemptible of the Hillsborough spectacle. Forget it and move on. This manifestation of Stormont has not worked, cannot work and will never work. Democratic devolution based on voluntary coalition can work, but not rigged devolution built on toxic vetoes. How much time and scarce resources have to be wasted before this reality is faced?”