Allister warns against DUP crowning week of scandal, sleaze and shame with sell-out
15 January 2010
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister:
"As the DUP negotiates with an IRA/Sinn Fein gun to their head, Unionists should prepare for a nefarious surrender to the Adams/McGuiness 'Brits Out' strategy on policing and justice.
"From issuing 8 page letter of demands, legions of pre-conditions, and empty cliches about being 'condition led, not calendar led', the DUP is now crumbling before the Sinn Fein threat of an election. Rudderless and terrified of having to face the people, I fear the DUP will now do whatever it takes to cling to office.
"In gifting IRA/Sinn Fein control of every key policing and justice decision, through the absolute veto which they wield in the Executive, the DUP will be the delivery boy of the republican's strategic objective, as spelt out so clearly in their 2005 manifesto: “Our strategy is for a new all-Ireland policing and justice system. That cannot be achieved without the transfer of policing and justice powers away from London, into an Executive and Assembly and the all-Ireland institutions.”
"No Unionist should be playing their game, but sadly the DUP, desperate to stave off an election, is poised to do exactly that. Feeble attempts to dress up rolling over to Sinn Fein as in the mould of Carson is a dire insult to the founding fathers of the state. Carson's life was dedicated to preserving Ulster from republican control, the DUP's current path is to empower republicanism, first as Joint First Minister and now with controlling veto over policing and justice."