SEUPB hiding the facts
27 February 2009
Statement by TUV MEP Jim Allister:-
“In an attempt to avoid the adverse publicity – which the local media facilitated – OFMDFM approved £10m of PEACE III funding to ex-prisoner’s groups, just before Christmas. Over £7m is going to republican prisoner groups.
Being appalled by this “Provo funding”, I have been attempting to shine the torch of public exposure on the machinations giving rise to this shameful waste of EU funds. Accordingly, on 5th January 2009 I placed an FOI request before SEUPB, seeking all relevant documentation. Initially I was promised a response within 20 days and at a meeting with the Chief Executive of SEUPB he told me he had two large folders of information for disclosure, but required authority from “third parties”. On expiry of the 20 days, SEUPB then promised delivery within 35 days, now as that date expires, they have indefinitely postponed release of the information, claiming DFP is holding back.
I have little doubt that political considerations have overwhelmed the promised transparency and that efforts are afoot to hide the embarrassment of the DUP in OFMDFM approving such funding, and that department themselves – who are responsible for victims - putting up 25% of the cost. It really is appalling, and in sharp contrast to the protestations of concern for innocent victims, that OFMDFM has been approving £7m for republican prisoner groups.
SEUPB, DFP, OFMDFM and the DUP may run, but they will not hide on this issue, because I will not give up in this pursuit until they all come clean.”