100 days to Verdict on Terrorist-inclusive Government
25 February 2009
Watch Jim Allister speak on this issue:
Statement by TUV Leader Jim Allister MEP
“It is exactly 100 days till the electorate get the opportunity to express their verdict on terrorists in government and those who put them there. On 4th June that will be a key issue for Unionist voters. As the only candidate opposed to terrorists in government, I will be able to look every voter in the eye and invite them to join me in saying “Not in my name”.
While others engage in mesmerising gymnastics, to con voters into thinking that despite their unwavering support for McGuinness as Joint First Minister, they really are opponents of IRA/Sinn Fein, I will face the voters with actions which match my words. The day when Diane Dodds put her hand up to bring IRA/Sinn Fein into Government was the day she surrendered the ground from which the advance of Sinn Fein can be resisted with principle and conviction. If you gift Martin McGuinness the top office of Joint First Minister, you can’t, with credibility, pretend concern about Barbara de Brun! If you make Sinn Fein your primary partner in government, then they are not your enemy at the polls!
Maybe the real test of the sincerity of some is to ask the simple question, “The day after the election, where will your party be? If the answer is back sitting round the cabinet table with IRA/Sinn Fein, neither knowing, nor caring, how many members of the IRA Army Council govern from there, then, all talk about defeating Sinn Fein is just cynical pretence and a ploy to con the electorate.”