Allister responds to latest Executive announcement on dioxins
01 February 2009
“One wonders if the decision by the Executive to seek EU co-financing for a part-compensation scheme to cover 25% of losses incurred will really make much difference, so far as assisting the agri-food industry come to terms with their losses incurred by the dioxins situation. Our processors and farmers will be in a distinct disadvantage compared with their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland, where Government stepped in immediately to cover 100% of losses. It would appear that the Executive has finally woken up to the reality that no compensation will be forthcoming any time soon from its ‘friends’ in the South.”
“I am pleased the Executive has chosen to work with its DEFRA colleagues on the issue of applying for a compensation package to the EU. Just last week, I met with the UK Permanent Representation in Brussels, who were not even aware that a pork recall had taken place in Northern Ireland, resulting in huge losses for the pork industry here. The Executive has handled this entire episode in a shambolic way from start to finish.”