European Parliament Leaders disgrace themselves
16 December 2008
Click here for an account of the disgraceful encounter between leaders of the European Parliament and President Klaus of the Czech Republic.
A staunch opponent of the Lisbon Treaty President Klaus was berated and insulted by the Europhile delegation in a manner wholly unbecoming as to how a Head of State should be treated. Quite properly President Klaus replied with a few home truths.
The matter was raised today in the European Parliament by both Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP and Nigel Farage, UKIP Leader.
Daniel Hannan: Mr President, since we last met, reports have been published of a meeting between the political group leaders and the President of the Czech Republic at which some of the group leaders expressed themselves with a discourtesy and boorishness that, I think, bring a measure of disgrace on us all. I wonder if you would care to take this opportunity to say that you, as the deputy speaker today, confirm that this House values all opinions, be they for or against the Lisbon Treaty, and that we respect the dignity of that office of the Czech Republic.
Nigel Farage: Now, with the Czech presidency about to take over, I think we have seen the true face of this modern-day European Union with the appalling attack on President Klaus. I am going to ask you, President Sarkozy: what kind of European Union do you want? Because what we have here is a Union that treats democracy with contempt.
Brian Crowley said to President Klaus that the Irish wish for the Lisbon Treaty. Well, I am sorry, old son, but they said ‘no’! Please accept the result! In previous times, Martin Schulz has stood up and said that a ‘no’ vote will lead to fascism and that we must not bow to populism. So this is a Union that despises democracy, and it is a Union that cannot cope with any alternative point of view. ‘I do not care about your opinions,’ is what Danny Cohn-Bendit said to President Klaus. In previous times Mr Cohn-Bendit has said in this Chamber that opponents of this Treaty are mentally ill.
This is a very dangerous step for this Union to be taking. It is a Union that behaves like a thug and a bully, and when Mr Cohn-Bendit put the European flag on President Klaus’s desk and told him to fly it from the Castle, he could just as well have been a German official from 70 years ago or a Soviet official from 20 years ago. Danny the libertarian, who is now the authoritarian, the man who has turned into everything he said he was opposed to 40 years ago – and this is the face, President Sarkozy, of this European Union. And all of it egged on by President Pöttering, who in previous times has fined Members of this House for insulting other heads of state.
Mr Sarkozy, is this the kind of Union that you want, or will you join me in condemning the absolutely appalling treatment of President Klaus in Prague last week?