Multiple opportunities to meet with First Minister refuted as DUP spin -Allister
28 July 2008
Responding to a claim in the News Letter by an unnamed DUP spokesman that, " "The MEPs of Northern Ireland, including Jim Allister, had several opportunities to meet Ian Paisley while he was First Minister.", Jim Allister said:-
"I'd be intertested to know when these imaginary opportunities were. The facts are very simple. I wrote on 6th August 2007 asking for a meeting with the First Minister to discuss EU issues. My request was ignored. Then, in anticipation of an intended reply in the Assembly about OFMDFM meetings, I was written to on 29 January 2008 saying that office would be in touch with mine to work out the details of a meeting. I am still waiting! Again, nothing happened. So, it is a face-saving concoction to suggest I was afforded opportunities to meet the First Minister. I challenge the DUP to specify each and every such alleged opportunity. All this correspondence is available from my office."