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Allister presses support for Potato sector

01 June 2008

Jim Allister MEP has said the potato sector must receive its fair share of support under the new Rural Development Programme for Northern Ireland 2007-2013.

The MEP said,
“Concerns over the lack of cold storage provision for potatoes have been felt for some time, and is an increasingly important factor for the competitiveness of the Northern Ireland potato sector. That is why I have written to the DARD Permanent Secretary, asking how new potato storage facilities may be supported under the incoming Rural Development Programme.”

“While there is no direct financial assistance to erect cold stores within the new Programme, financial assistance will be available for capital investment projects under the Processing and Marketing Grant Scheme (PMG), and Farm Modernisation. The PMG Scheme will be aimed at those involved in the processing and marketing of a primary agricultural product. Farm Modernisation will support farmers in purchasing equipment, plant and machinery at a maximum rate of £5000 per farm business.”

“Undoubtedly, the share of funds allocated to Axis 1 of the new Rural Development Programme to boost industry competitiveness is extremely limited, and compared with the allocation to other ‘softer’ priorities, totally inadequate. That is why funds will have to be allocated wisely, according to the priorities identified by our key sectors.”


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